Sunday 25 August 2013

My Fight With Lymphoma - A Survivor (english)

By: Dr. Francisco C. Tang  a.k.a.  Dr. Huang Nung Yang


I was asking this question to myself. I’m a physician, a dermatologist with no stress or pressure, I don’t smoke, I don’t take alcoholic beverages, more so, drugs, I live a happy and athletic life-style, I play bowling, I swim, I play table tennis, I bike to and from my work and/or for leisure. And yet, here I am stricken with this deadly cancer. I didn’t know GOD has a purpose for me.

It all started in the latter half of 2011 when all of a sudden, out of no where, I started to have uncontrollable itching at night starting from my fingers, spreading to my palm in one hand at a time or sometimes both.  I would apply topical and take oral anti-pruritic meds to no avail and I have to take sleeping pills to calm my nerves down to be able to sleep.

Then starting that winter from Dec. of 2011 to Feb. of 2012, my scalp started to itch, thinking that it was due to the cold-weather, because my scalp was dry as I didn’t wash my head daily which I used to do. I did it in 2-3 days instead. Again, as a Dermatologist, I used medicated hair shampoo and hair wash, applied topical drugs to no avail also, until the itching slowly spread downward into my whole body. I continued using all available anti-pruritic meds in our clinic – steroidal and non-steroidal oral, topical, and shampoo but still to no avail.

In late April of 2012, I experienced renal colic and with bladder- discomfort and urinary frequency. Knowing I had this problem before, I went to see my Urologist and an abdominal ultrasound was done confirming multiple bilateral renal stones and a tiny urinary bladder stone which I excreted later on, spontaneously but with a twist and unexpected finding, the ultrasonologist was surprised to see multiple hyper-echoic masses in my spleen and surprisingly asked me if I was aware of it. I answered in the negative. She then suggested me to see a Gastroenterologist for further work up.


Initially, thinking it could only be insignificant benign tumors in my spleen, but my instinct as a physician, didn’t allow me to stop there because since a year ago, I also noticed my continued unexplainable weight loss totaling a loss of 11 kgs. From my previous weight of 86 kgs down to 75 kgs., in addition, I also have this continued and lingering unexplainable and uncontrollable generalized itching not relieved by any  anti-pruritic meds available in our clinic,  I also started to have easy fatigability on slight to moderate exertion, like climbing  the stairs and walking on short distance, more than regular night sweating, facial blushing and flushing, and unending skin bruising sprouting one after the other on both upper extremities.

With all these symptoms, the more I tried to pursue to find a definitive diagnosis to my problem. Again, I went back to my doctor and upon hearing all my symptoms I revealed to him, he suggested me to have a splenectomy (removal of my spleen) and he assured me that all my symptoms would disappear.  I hesitated, knowing the consequence of it. This means my immune system will be depleted and I will be very susceptible to infections, flu and malaria and my travel will be curtailed, I will be taking antibiotics for life, and I will have regular annual anti-flu vaccines and will have to take precautionary anti-malaria drugs while traveling to malaria-prone countries

I tolerated and carried the consequence of not having the surgery and suffered the effects of severe uncontrollable generalized itching and all those symptoms I mentioned for another two months until I can no longer tolerate it anymore as it made my life so miserable from uncontrollable scratching to sleepless nights. I used to tell my patients in the clinic not to scratch when itching starts and just tap it gently and take cold shower for relief. I used to laugh at them.  Not until I experienced it myself that I started to believe in them. Telling them not to scratch and take a cold shower to relieve itching? That’s baloney!

Do you know how I relieve my itching? I use hair dryer and hot compress to LITERALLY, burn my skin to relieve me of the itching. Initially, I will feel a very itching sensation which will later transform into burning pain and that’s the time I will switch places. Imagine burning my whole body twice at day time and twice early in the morning between 2-4 am? So practically, I never have a good night sleep daily. My stamina, my strength, my health and nutrition continued to deteriorate until I can’t bear it anymore and finally consented for splenectomy. Just as I was ready to submit for surgery, the surgeon did another work up and abdominal ultrasound and this time, aside from confirming the previous splenic tumors, abnormal para-aortic and supra-clavicular lymph nodes were noted with out any enlargement. A supra-clavicular  lymph node biopsy was done on the 2ndweek of July of 2012 and to my sigh of relief, the result was negative.  I could then relate my loss of weight to my DM. But three week after my biopsy, I suddenly palpated 2 enlarged bean-shaped lymph nodes measuring 2 cm on my right and one on my left inguinal areas. Immediately, another lymph node biopsy was done on my right inguinal area. The result came back initially as: Follicular B-cell Lymphoma but the pathologist couldn’t establish the grade, so the slides were sent to another pathologist and there was a conflicting report. The finding came back as: Atypical Lymphoid Hyperplasia.  Unconvinced, I borrowed the slides and brought to a cancer center – China Medical University Hospital, the best cancer center in Central Taichung, Taiwan and confirmed the initial diagnosis of: Follicular b-cell Lymphoma, grade 3. Still wanting for confirmation, I brought the slides to another cancer center – Taichung Veteran’s General Hosptial confirming the diagnosis of Follicular b-cell Lymphoma, grade 1-2.

My Oncologist ordered for a PET scan  (Positron Emission Tomography scan), a bone marrow biopsy and Stem cell harvest and culture plus a resting Ventricular Function Test in preparation for my chemotherapy.

My Whole Body PET scan revealed:
  1. Multiple hypermetabolic lesions in the rt. inguinal region compatible with biopsy proven Follicular Lymphoma in the same region.
  2. Multiple focal hypermetabolic lesions in all my lymph nodes – suggesting INTRA-NODAL involvement.
  3. There are, apparently, increase focal uptake in the rt. 5th intercostals rib, 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae – suggesting   BONE involvement.
  4.  There are multiple hypermetabolic lesions in the SPLEEN – suggesting EXTRA-NODAL involvement.

Bone Marrow Biopsy – negative.

Resting Ventricular Function Study – LV ejection fraction is 64% (normal) 


After a definitive diagnosis was established, I was immediately started on chemotherapy every 3 weeks for 6 sessions that will last for 5 months. I was started on a 4-drug R-CHOP combination of :
  • Rituximab (Mabthera) 700 mg. IV for 3 hrs.
  • Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) 10 mgs IV for 10 mins
  • Vincristine 1 mg. IV for 10 mins
  • Cyclphosphamide (Endoxan) 1350 mg IV for 3 hrs.
  • Oral prednisolone 25 mgs TID (75 mgs) for 5 days.

My first chemo. The nurse was inserting the IV into my Porta Cath. (left)  My 1st chemo. 4th IV bottle (Cyclophospahamide) (right)

My 2nd Chemo.


   My 3rd chemo. 2nd IV bottle (Adriamycin)

 My 4th chemo 1st IV bottle (Rituximab)

    My 5th Chemo. 3rd IV bottle (Vincristine)


Normally, majority of the patients may experience immediate side effects upon starting the chemo such as fever, allergy, headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, hematuria, stomach ache, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, but by the grace and blessing of our LORD, and through my prayers, I NEVER EXPERIENCED ANY OF THOSE IMMEDIATE SIDE EFECTS.  I was comfortable, relaxed and up and around. My Oncologist cautioned me that after one week, I may experience the delayed side effects such as extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, mouth sores, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, falling hair etc. Again, by the grace of GOD, I NEVER EXPERIENCED ANY DELAYED SIDE EFFECTS.
This was the 1st MIRACLE I received. In Jesus name.  Amen!

With my regular daily walking exercise, adequate rest, good nutrition, good oral hygiene, avoiding stress and pressure, relaxed and have peace of mind with GOD and myself, and most of all, I committed, entrusted and surrendered myself to Jesus for I know HE will direct my path to a speedy and full recovery. Amen!

I draw my strength and inspiration by watching the weekly inspirational talks of Ptrs Peter Tan-chi, Boy Saquing, Danny Urquico, etc. of CCF and the nightly talks of Ptrs Peter, Alex, Icko, Mari, Felichi, Camilla, Kata etc. of The 700 Club of Asia.
I also thank my family, love ones, relatives, friends and classmates for their encouraging words, supports and prayers that challenged me to carry on the fight of my life.

My Lymphoma is a blessing, because it brought me closer to GOD, to my family and to my son, Gerald, who came all the way from the Philippines to Taiwan to take care and look after me. Truly, I found a son who is, loving, and caring and I thank GOD for all this transformation in my life.

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th chemo went on uneventful and smoothly and as usual, no immediate and delayed side effects were experienced except for loss of hair and continued loss of weight. I have lost a total of 16 kgs by then.

The 2nd MIRACLE happened last Dec. 20-24, after my 5th chemo, when I was admitted into the ER because of fever and I went into septic shock. My BP dropped to 80/50(severe hypotension), HR shot up to 150/mins.,(severe tachycardia),  aggravated by severe arrhythmia, severe neutropenia (WBC dropped to +/-900), severe anemia (Hct dropped to 7). They couldn’t stabilize my vital signs in spite of massive IVF pumped into my body plus vasoconstrictors to raise my BP. I was inserted a CVP line for emergency intervention. I stayed the whole night in the ER and was brought to the ward BEFORE LUNCH of Dec. 21 (end of the world prophecy) still with unstable vital signs. I was given a blood transfusion of two units of packed RBC because of my severe anemia, and Filgrastim (to increase my WBC)  because I had severe neutropenia. That night, I experienced NEAR-DEATH feeling. I was grasping for air and could hardly breathe, experiencing severe tachycardia and severe arrythmia and I thought I will not last through the night and it will be the end of the world for me. I lost my faith in GOD and started to curse HIM. Why in spite of my prayers, HE had forsaken me and instead of giving me relief, my condition turned from bad to worse. Why did HE abandon me and stood at a distance and didn’t come to my rescue.
The following day, Dec. 22, also JUST BEFORE LUNCH, all of a sudden and MIRACULOUSLY, all my symptoms just disappeared into the thin air. I was surprised but I trembled and felt guilty for what I said the night before. I thank GOD and at the same time I asked for forgiveness for not trusting and having faith in HIM.  Matthew 21:22: “Whatever you ask in prayer, with FAITH, you shall receive.”  And   I was impatient for HIM to act on my prayer.  Psalm 37-34: “Do not be impatient for the LORD to act. He will honor you, giving you the land (what you ask for). You will see the wicked destroyed.”     HE proved to me that HE is always there to come to my rescue and HE was just testing my faith. Now, I BELIEVE. He is truly an amazing, loving, merciful and compassionate GOD.  Have FAITH in HIM, open our hearts and invite HIM into our lives and accept JESUS as our LORD and Savior and HE will direct our path, HE will lighten our burden and we will never walk in darkness.  Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light.”     In Jesus’ name.  Praise the LORD. Hallelujah! Amen!

The 3rd MIRACLE:  After the 4th and before my 5th chemo, I had a repeat PET scan and blood extraction the day before, prior to my appointment with my Oncologist. The following day, as I was waiting in his clinic and I was worried and praying hard about the outcome of my PET scan. When I was called in and looking at the scan result, he found out that the result showed all the previous hypermetabolic lesions from my previous scan have all disappeared. I was so happy and jumping out of joy, thanking and praising the LORD.  I’m NOW CANCER-FREE after only 4 sessions of chemo and even my Oncologist was amazed by my speedy and full recovery. In Jesus name.  Amen!

The 4th MIRACLE: Right on the dot, on the 1st day of the second week after my 5th chemo, I was, again, stricken with fever, cytotoxic-induced neutropenia and anemia and was hospitalized again for the 4th time. I stayed in the ER overnight where the doctors tried to stabilize my blood pressure, heart rate 
and my atrial flutter and atrial fibrillations with IVF, vasoconstrictors, digitalis and anti-arrhythmic drugs. When I was brought to the room the following day, all my signs and symptoms disappeared and discharged on the 5th day as improved. In Jesus name. Amen!

The 5th MIRACLE:  

My 6th and Final Chemo

                                My 6th and Final Chemo - 1st IV Rituximab

I have been monitoring the effects of my post chemotherapy situation and true enough, right on the dot, every 1st day of the second week after my chemo, from the 2nd to the 5th rounds, I always have fever with severe cytotoxic-induced neutropenia and anemia leading to septic shock necessitating hospitalization.  I was hospitalized 4 times and was in critical condition on two occasions (4th and 5th post chemo). (Read my blog - My Fight With Lymphoma-A Survivor: The Miracles)

Ten (10) days before the start of my 6th and last chemo,  from Feb. 4  thereon, I started taking HemoHIM+, 2 sachets daily. Not only did I NOT have fever, cytotoxic-induced neutropenia and anemia, my blood sugar was stabilized, and I never had this fatigue and feeling-tired.  Proving that HemoHIM+, indeed,  boosted my immune system, gave me vigor and vitality,  and stabilized my blood sugar and although it didn't increase my WBC, RBC and platelet counts. I remained healthy with no untoward ill-effect.   (Read my blog - At Last Another Advantage of HemoHIM+ Can Be Told)

This is an amazing personal anecdote and observation I have to share with everyone specially those who have cancers and undergoing chemotherapy and have diabetes as well. 

HemoHIM+ - The Miracle Food Supplement

I will start with a brief introduction on HemoHIM+, a South Korean Health Food Supplement developed by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and SunBioTech. In a national research project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea, the team has developed HemoHIM, a novel herbal composition for enhancing the immune system. 

Immune deficiencies are often associated with a decrease immune cells, declining cell activity and oxidative stress. The aging population in particular is often susceptible to declining immune system. To combat this, the research team developed HemoHIM, prepared by a combination of three (3) edible herbs: Angelica Radix, Cnidium Rhizoma and Paeonia Radix. It was found out that HemoHIM is able to stimulate the development of red blood cells (RBC), activate immune cells, as well as promoting recovery of the immune system against oxidative stresses.

According to researcher Sung-Kee Jo, HemoHIM has been approved by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) as the first health functional food for immune system improvement. In a series of clinical studies conducted on CANCER patients, healthy volunteers and university students, HemoHIM has shown to improve recovery of white blood cells (WBC) increase interferon production and increase lymphocytes in patients.    

HemoHIM+ is stands for Hemoglobin HAEMATOPOESIS IMMUNE MODULATION and the (+) means an upgraded version of the original HemoHIM.

The reason why I took HemoHIM+ for my stage 4b Lymhphoma is because I saw on the chart of their studies that HemoHIM+ is 17 times more effective on immune capacity than the famous  "Ginseng steamed Red", also known as Hong-Sam in Korea. Considering the fact that "Ginseng steamed Red" takes up 51% of the health product sold in Korea, and HemoHIM+ is 17 times more,  is amazing.

True enough, after only 4 rounds of chemotherapy, I was cancer-free already as evidenced by PET scan. I never experienced any immediate or delayed side-effects during my chemotherapy, such as headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, indigestion, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue or mouth sores except for hair loss. 

Furthermore, I was supposed to have my 6th and last chemo last February 5, 2013 but it was postponed for another week because my White Blood Cell (WBC) count dropped to +/- 2000, Hematocrit (Hct) down to 11 and Platelet count down to 120 K. In these situations, I usually get fever and feel severe fatigue but it never happened since I started taking my HemoHIM+, proving that it can help boost my immune system, it can help build up my WBC and RBC.

The active ingredients of HemoHIM+ are:  Angelica Gigas Nakai, Cnidium Officinale Makino and Paeonia Japonica Miyabe and also many other ingredients such as honey, marine calcium, fructo-oligosaccharide, guar gum, alginate sodium, pantothenic acid as calcium pantothenate and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C.  It contains only 20 calories, so no problem for people who are on diet.

Opening the sachet is easy. Just hold firmly on one end with one hand and use the other hand and pull the top notch all the way until it comes off, no scissors required. 

This is how the actual substance looks like (left) and how it looks like when water is added (right). For first-timers it may taste awful and they can add either cold or hot water or juice to make it more pleasant to the taste.

I strongly recommend this product for:
  •              Cancer patients.
  •                 Seniors needing more stamina.
  •                 People who are often fatigued and stressed-out.
  •                 Exhausted athletes.
  •                 Students preparing for exams requiring physical and mental stamina.

At Last, Another Advantage of HemoHim+ Can Be Told


 By: Francisco C. Tang,MD  a.k.a  Huang Nung Yang,MD

I had DM (diabetes mellitus) since May of 2012 and my FBS (fasting blood sugar) ranged from 143-159. I started taking Glibudon (Metformin 500 mgs.) one tablet daily till Oct. 21, to twice daily from Oct. 22-31 when my FBS ranged from 162-173, to thrice daily from Nov. 1-13 when my FBS ranged from 174-200. Januvia (Sitagliptin 100 mgs.), one tablet daily was added to my regular thrice daily anti-DM medications.  

I started my first chemotherapy on Oct. 8, and then Oct. 31, Nov. 22, Dec. 12, Jan. 8, as my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th   chemotherapy respectively.  My FBS ranged from 134-214.

Two (2 weeks) before I started my 6th and last chemo, that was Feb. 1-3, 2013, my FBS ranged from 140-146. 

From Feb. 4, thereon, I started taking HemoHIM+ , as well as  my regular anti-DM medications and my FBS ranged from 129 to 126, in spite of heavy meals during the Chinese New Year’s Eve on Feb. 9.

Two days before my 6th and last chemo, that was Feb. 12, I stopped all my anti-DM medications and took only HemoHIM+ and my FBS ranged from 159 to 153.

On Feb. 14, I had my 6th and last chemo, and my FBS was 138. On the first day after my chemo, while on Prednisolone 75 mgs daily for five (5) days), that was Feb. 15-19, my FBS ranged from 204, 193, 195, 197 and 240, for 5 consecutive days so I restarted my anti-DM medications plus HemoHIM+. After my 5-day Prednisolone course was finished, my FBS started to drop to 186 on the following day, Feb. 20, so I stopped again my anti-DM medications, taking HemoHIM+ alone

Feb. 21, my FBS dropped to 147 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 22, my FBS was up 169 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 23, my FBS dropped again to 150 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 24, my FBS was up again 169 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 25, my FBS dropped to 148 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 26, my FBS dropped further again to 135 with HemoHIM+ alone

Feb. 27, my FBS was 132 with HemoHIM+ alone.

Feb. 28, my FBS was 140 with  HemoHIM+ alone.

  Date             FBS                  Glibudon              Januvia               HemoHIM+
                                                (Metformin)      (Sitagliptin)                  
                                                     500 mgs.             100 mgs.                  20 ml
 Year 2012    
5-10/21      143-159             1 tab. daily

10/22-31   162-173              2 tabs. daily

11/1-13        174-200            3 tabs. daily         1 tab. daily

10/8  }                                              “                                “     } 1st-
10/31}             134                          “                                “      } 2nd-      
11/22}               to                            “                               “      } 3rd--à Chemo
12/12}              214                          “                               “      } 4th  -
1/8     }                                              “                               “      } 5th-

  Year 2013
2/1-3             140-146                     “                               “ 
2/4-11           126-129            3 tabs. daily          1 tab daily      2 sachets daily
2/12-13         153-159                    (-)                            (-)               2 sachets daily
2/14                  138      6th and last CHEMOTHERAPY           2 sachets daily
2/15                  204      on Prednisolone 75 mgs daily            2 sachets daily
2/16                  193                      “                  “               “                 2 sachets daily
2/17                  195                       “                 “                “                2 sachets daily
2/18                  197                       “                 “                “                2 sachets daily 2/19                  240                  3 tabs daily           1 tab daily    2 sachets daily
2/20                 186                          (-)                            (-)              2 sachets daily
2/21                  147                          (-)                             (-)             2 sachets daily
2/22                  169                          (-)                            (-)             2 sachets daily
2/23                  150                          (-)                            (-)             2  sachets daily
2/24                  164                          (-)                            (-)             2 sachets daily
2/25                  148                          (-)                            (-)             2  sachets daily
2/26                   135                           (-)                           (-)            2 sachets daily
2/27                   132                           (-)                           (-)            2 sachets daily
2/28                   140                          (-)                            (-)            2 sachets daily

CBC Results: Feb. 27, 2013: after my 6th and final chemo:

·        RBC: 3.63 x10^6/ul (N.V.= 4.5-5.5); 
·        Hgb: 11.1 gm/dl (N.V.=14-18);       Hct: 30.7 % (N.V.= 40-54);
·        M.C.V.: 84.57 fl (N.V.= 80-100); M.C.H.:  30.58 pg (N.V.= 27-35);   
      M.C.H.C.: 36.16 g/dl (N.V.= 30-38)     
·        Platelets:  74.0 x 10^3/u (N.V.: 150-400)
·        WBC:  2600 ul (N.V.: 5000-10,000)
·        Nuetrophils:  59%     Lymphocytes: 34%     Monocytes: 7%

CBC Results: Feb. 14, 2013 – on the day of my last ands final chemo:

·        Hgb: 10.8 gm/dl (N.V.: 14-18); 
·        WBC: 2690 (N.V.= 3900-10,390)
·        Neutrophils: 34.9% (N.V.: 40-70%)
·        Lymphocytes: 40.5%% (N.V.: 19-48%)
·        Monocytes: 7.1% (N.V.: 3.4-9%)
·        Platelets: 135 x10^3/ul (N.V.: 130-400)

After monitoring my FBS for almost one month, I can now conclude that HemoHIM+ taken ALONE can DECREASE my blood sugar without taking any anti-DM medications.

Another amazing observation about HemoHIM+ is this: I have been monitoring the effects of my post chemotherapy situation and true enough, right on the dot, every 1st day of the second week after my chemo, from the 2nd to the 5th rounds of my chemo, I always have fever with severe cytotoxic-induced neutropenia and anemia leading to septic shock necessitating hospitalization.  I was hospitalized 4 times and was in critical condition on two occasions (4th and 5th post chemo). (Read my blog - My Fight With Lymphoma-A Survivor: The Miracles)

Ten (10) days before the start of my 6th and final chemo, from Feb. 4   thereon, I started taking HemoHIM+, 2 sachets daily. Not only did I NOT have fever, I didn’t not experienced fatigue and shortness of breath, which I often felt every 2nd week after my chemo.  Proving that HemoHIM+ even taken ALONE, can keep me away from fever, can boost my immune system, can give me vigor and vitality,  can stabilize my blood sugar, and although it didn’t increase my WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct and platelet counts, I remained healthy and without any untoward ill-effects.                                                   

These are the amazing personal observations I have to share with everyone specially those who have cancers and undergoing chemotherapy and have diabetes as well. If it worked in me, I hope it will also worked in you. Try it! It is all natural.

How I Looked Then and Now - the Great Transformation

This was how I looked in my younger days. This was taken after I received my MD diploma during our graduation fellowship night - 1973.  I was about  70 kgs

This was how I looked 3 years ago before my lymphoma symptoms started to manifest - 2010. I was about 86 kgs.

This was how I looked 2 year ago when my lymphoma symptoms started to manifest without knowing it - 2011. I was about 78 kgs.

This was how I looked a year ago with lymphoma symptoms started to manifest and looking for a definitive diagnosis - 2012.  I was about 76 kgs.

This is how I look now this year after my 5th chemotherapy - Feb. 10, 2013.  I am down to 73 kgs. and my weight has stabilized and slowly gaining back.

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